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Dog backpack: Out and about with your dog! What should you pay attention to?

Do you recognize this? You feel like going for a long walk with your dog, but you know that this is not feasible for your dog. It could be that the animal is too young or too old, or maybe your dog has a health problem that prevents him from walking that far. Another cause could be the breed; some dog breeds are simply not suitable for long walks. For all these cases, there is an excellent solution: the dog backpack. With a dog backpack, you can still enjoy walks with your loyal friend. On this page, we would like to tell you more about the advantages of a dog backpack and what you should pay attention to when purchasing one.

What is a dog backpack?

A dog backpack is exactly what the name says: a carrier bag that is specially designed to transport your pet safely on your back. They are available in different sizes for small to large dogs and specially developed to guarantee comfort and safety. Not only for your pet, but also for you as the carrier. So you can always go on adventures together.

What are the benefits of a dog backpack?

There are several reasons to purchase a dog backpack. We are happy to list them for you:

Freedom of movement with your dog
With a dog backpack, you can walk, cycle or even go on long hikes in the mountains without worries, while your dog can enjoy it safely and comfortably.

Safety and comfort
For some dogs, a long walk can be too much for whatever reason. A dog backpack offers a pleasant way to take the dog with you without endangering its health. For puppies or young dogs, these backpacks can be a safe way to get used to new environments and stimuli. For older dogs that have difficulty walking, the backpack is a solution to be able to go out for longer with their owner.

Useful in busy environments
In a busy city, on public transport or at events, a dog backpack can protect your dog from crowds and other dangers. This prevents your dog from being overwhelmed by the crowds and strange noises.

Less burden on the owner
If your dog gets tired during a long walk, you no longer have to slow down your walking pace to an uncomfortable level. You also no longer have to carry a young puppy in your arms if he can't walk any further. This prevents stress on your own body and ensures that you can enjoy your walk more and for longer.

What should I pay attention to when purchasing a dog backpack?

To buy the right backpack for your dog, you should take a number of important things into account. This will prevent you from ordering the wrong dog backpack:

  1. Size: Make sure the backpack is suitable for your dog's size. On the product pages you will find a measuring guide, which clearly states how big the dog can be for each backpack size. Most backpack sizes are based on the back length (collar to tail start), but some are based on the chest circumference and neck circumference. Measure your dog carefully and choose the backpack that is large enough for its size.
  2. Weight: Each backpack has a maximum carrying weight, so make sure your dog does not exceed the stated weight limit.
  3. Comfort and fit: Every dog backpack has its own specific applications. For training or short walks, a light and simple backpack will suffice. For longer walks and heavier dogs, we recommend choosing thickly padded shoulder straps with a chest strap for your own carrying comfort and double lumbar support straps for your dog's sitting comfort. If you are going on really long hikes, choose a metal frame for extra stability and a hip belt to better distribute your dog's weight over your body. Remember, however: a more expensive backpack is not always better. A backpack with a metal frame can sometimes be a bit cumbersome and heavy for shorter walks or bike rides. In short: choose the backpack that best suits your usage profile.
  4. Ventilation: Dogs can quickly overheat, so make sure the backpack has sufficient ventilation options. Breathable fabrics and special ventilation panels with mesh (with or without a zipper) are important. This will keep your dog cool.
  5. Safety: Always choose a dog backpack with good adjustment options, so that you can adjust it perfectly to your dog's body. This prevents your dog from making unexpected movements and keeps him firmly in place, while still not being trapped. Furthermore, a good dog backpack should be equipped with a leash option and a lockable collar, so that he cannot jump out of the bag himself.
  6. Storage space: Consider the items you want to take with you on a walk. Entry-level models often have only one or two side pockets. More luxurious models offer more storage options, such as a compartment under the dog's seat or a removable storage bag.
  7. Quality: Dog backpacks come in different qualities. When choosing a dog backpack, it is very important that you pay attention to the quality of the backpack. We recommend that you always choose a dog backpack that is made of sturdy, durable and comfortable materials, so that you can continue to enjoy it optimally for a long time. To ensure safety and comfort, it is best to check whether the dog backpack has been developed in collaboration with animal professionals, such as veterinarians and dog trainers.

Please note! Always let your dog get used to the backpack at home before you go on an outdoor adventure.

In short: discover freedom!
A dog backpack greatly increases your options for going out with your puppy, older dog, or for long hikes with any dog. So, what are you waiting for? Get a dog backpack and go on a new, exciting journey, together with your faithful four-legged friend. A dog backpack is the ideal solution for taking your pet with you in a safe, comfortable and practical way, regardless of the distance or destination.

Where and when is a dog leash required?

A good dog leash is a must-have for any dog owner. The use of a dog leash is mandatory for walks within built-up areas. Outside built-up areas, a leash obligation sometimes also applies, for example in nature reserves. Of course it is also safer to keep your dog on a leash, especially in heavy traffic or when your dog does not listen well or can react unexpectedly to people or other dogs. In addition, you can also use the dog leash to train your dog - by keeping the dog leash short or letting go, you send out a certain signal with which you can control the behavior of your dog.

The best dog leash to buy depends on your dog, what activities you want to use the leash for and in what situations. Someone who goes on a puppy course with his labrador naturally needs a different dog leash than someone who goes for a walk with his terrier in the woods. In this article we tell you which dog leashes are available and what are their respective pros and cons.

What different dog leashes are there?

Dog leashes come in all shapes and sizes. In addition to the colour and material, you can also choose between different types. These types of dog leashes are most commonly used:

  • Standard leash: This leash is approximately 1 meter long. It is suitable for walking, but offers little freedom of movement.
  • Long leash: Identical to a standard leash, but longer. The length varies between 2 and 20 meters and is not adjustable. Particularly suitable for training a dog to come immediately on command. Because this type of leash has to be wound up manually, it is less suitable for walks.
  • Rolling leash or flex leash: Strap or cord that is automatically wound up in a plastic handle. Can be locked at any length and is especially popular with owners of smaller dogs. Not suitable for training your dog; because the leash is not directly in the hand, it gives less feeling.
  • Adjustable leash: Also called dressage leash or police leash. It has trigger hooks at both ends and is fitted with several rings - usually three - spread along the length. This allows the leash to be adjusted in length in steps.
  • Hunting leash: Also called a training leash. This is actually a dog leash and collar in one. The leash ends in a loop that is placed around the dog's neck. A good hunting leash has two so-called "stops" at the loop: one to prevent the loop from becoming too big and the dog coming loose and a second one to prevent the loop from squeezing the neck (like a slip leash). It is important to set both stops well in advance, so that the hunting leash can be used in an animal-friendly manner.
  • Slip leash: This is a hunting leash without stops. As a result, the loop around the neck narrows when the dog pulls too hard on the leash, with the aim of unlearning such behaviour. Because this can be unpleasant and even dangerous for your dog, the use of a slip leash is strongly discouraged.

In addition to the different leash types, you also have the choice between different materials of which the dog leash is made. It is usually made of leather or textile (often nylon or polyester or a mix thereof). Because a hunting leash is also a collar at the same time, you should make sure that your dog is not allergic to the material from which it is made. Dog leashes that are attached to a separate collar or dog harness do not or hardly ever come into contact with the skin of the dog, therefore skin-friendliness is less relevant here.

Which dog leash is best for me and my dog?

The choice of a suitable dog leash largely depends on how much freedom of movement you want and can give your dog. Not every type of leash will suit you and your dog, or the activities you want to engage in. In any case, make sure that you choose a leash with which you can keep your dog under control.

Standard leash
Do you only need a dog leash for short walks? Then a short standard leash of about 1 meter long may be sufficient. When walking in a busy area or along a busy road or bike path, a short dog leash is the safest in any case. The disadvantage of a standard dog leash is the limited amount of freedom between you and your dog; if the animal stops, you must also stop, if he wants to continue, you must come along too. And if the dog pulls on the leash, you quickly tend to pull back, although the dog is just following its instinct to sniff around. That can make a walk very uncomfortable. When you want to give your dog more space, you can only do that by releasing him from the leash. Would you rather keep your dog on a leash and at the same time give him more freedom? Then choose a longer leash type.

Long leash
For a longer walk you will probably visit the countryside. Sometimes you can let your dog of the leash there, but at times when he has to be on a leash a long leash is a practical choice. It enables your dog to sniff around, without hindering you at your own walking pace. If you want to use a non-adjustable long leash, it is important though that your dog listens well. Although the optimal freedom of movement may be very nice for your dog, it also means that he may get into trouble at a distance where you cannot reach him right away. Also, a long leash will often drag on the ground and get dirty. Another disadvantage is that the leash has to be shortened by hand every time you want to keep your dog closer. Also it can easily become entangled when walking or when storing. On balance, a non-adjustable long leash is especially suitable for training listening skills and less practical for walking your dog. Long leashes are also available without a handle, a so-called tow leash. With this leash type you can teach your dog to walk free, without the leash being able to get caught behind anything.

Rolling leash or flexh leah
A rolling leash or flex leash with an automatic retractor system offers maximum flexibility in length, but also has its limitations. Does your dog pull a lot? Then a retractable leash might not be such a good idea; the flexible retractor system only encourages this behaviour. Another disadvantage is that the retractor gives less feeling, so that your commands reach your dog less directly. This makes the retractable leash unsuitable for training your dog. However, if optimal control over your dog is not your first priority, a flex leash is a handy solution for walking your dog, in particular for smaller dog breeds.

Adjustable leash
An adjustable leash or police leash is a nice compromise: the length can be quickly increased or decreased in steps, while the control over the dog is better than with a retractable leash because the leash is kept directly in your hand. An adjustable leash is therefore also very suitable for dog training. Keep in mind the slightly higher weight due to the extra metal parts and because the leash runs double when shortened. Not a problem for most adult dogs, but especially with smaller breeds, an adjustable leash can sometimes be too heavy for puppy training. A limitation compared to a long leash or flex leash is that the maximum length of an adjustable leash usually does not exceed 2 to 3 meters.

Hunting leash
A hunting leash is very similar to a non-adjustable long leash in terms of advantages and disadvantages, but has the advantage that you do not need a collar. The end of this type of dog leash has an adjustable neck loop, which you can easily put on or take off. So if your dog is allowed to run off the leash for a while, he can do so without a collar. Do not confuse a hunting leash with a slip leash, which we strongly advise against. A hunting leash is also not a good option in case of pulling behaviour, because the leash is often slack and thin, so that a pulling force can cause a strong point load on the dog's neck. If your dog has a tendency to pull, it is better to put on a wide collar or - even better - a dog harness with a separate dog leash.

As you can see, there is a suitable leash for every dog and every activity. Have you already found the perfect dog leash in our webshop? We wish you and your dog a lot of pleasure while walking!

On holiday with your dog in the car: what rules apply in Europe?

In many countries there are no clear rules for the transport of pets in the car, but in any case the pet should not hinder the driver. In some EU countries, including Germany, Spain and Portugal, there are clear rules though: when transporting the dog in the back seat, he must be kept on a leash. The dog is allowed unleashed in the boot, provided that he is placed behind a dog guard or safety net. Another possibility is transport in a dog crate. You can place a small travel box in the passenger compartment, but preferably on the floor against the back of the front seat, or on the rear seat provided it is secured to the seat belt. But of course, the safest place for a the dog crate is in the boot. In case of a large dog there will be no other possibility anyway.

Apart from the official rules per country, it is recommended that you do not take any risks, both for your own safety and to avoid problems with your insurance in the case of an accident. PetWareShop offers all kinds of high-quality products for safe transport of your dog or cat in the car.

How do I safely transport my dog in the back seat?

Never transport your dog in the passenger seat, but in the back seat. Furthermore, it is strongly recommended not to let your dog wear a simple dog collar in the car, because this can cause serious neck injuries in the event of a collision. Rather use a dog harness and preferably a so-called Y-dog harness, in which the chest strap and belly strap are connected between the front legs, such as the Julius-K9 IDC Longwalk. Only a Y-strap harness ensures the most even distribution of forces to the chest during a collision, reducing the risk of serious injury. The car dog harness must be attached to the seat belt of the car with a special car tether: a dog seat belt. The most universal is a car tether, which is secured to the car seat belt with a carabiner. However, there are also dog seat belts with a buckle, which can be clicked directly into the seat belt lock. This is easier to use, but keep in mind that not all car brands use the same type of seat belt lock. For extra safety, it is recommended that, in addition to using a dog harness, you also block the space between the front seats with a "Backseat Barrier".

What is the best dog guard for my car?

It is always safer for both driver and passengers to transport the dog in the boot space rather than in the back seat. PetWareShop offers a safety net for this, but the best way to separate the boot from the passenger compartment is a metal dog guard. This allows you to transport your pet safely, but it also protects the occupants from the dangers of loose cargo in the boot. That is why a dog guard is also called a cargo separator. Sometimes a dog guard is also referred to as a divider, but that can be confusing; a divider is officially a rack that is placed transversely on a dog guard, to make a left/right division in the boot. Basically there are two types of dog guards:

1) Universal dog guard
A universal dog guard is adjustable in width and sometimes also in height and therefore fits in many different cars, but certainly not in every car model. That is why we also call these racks "semi-universal". To cover more car models, universal dog guards are often available in several sizes. Even then, the opening to the boot may still not be perfectly closed. For most buyers however, a small opening on the sides or top is not a problem. In addition, more and more car models are equipped with airbags above the side windows, for which sufficient space must also be kept free. A universal rack can be mounted quickly and easily, but is sometimes slightly less sturdy than a car-specific dog guard. Also, there are often no matching divider racks available. If you want to continue to use the original cargo cover after installation, choose a dog guard type that is attached to the headrests of the rear seat.

2) Car-specific dog guard
This type of dog guard is custom made for your car and will not fit any other car model. The opening to the boot is perfectly closed. The mounting is often a bit more work, but as a result the dog guard sits very firmly in the car. The downside is that removal takes just as much time, making a car-specific dog guard more suitable as a permanent pet barrier. Whether the original cargo cover cassette can be placed back in combination with the dog guard varies per car model. If this is important to you, please view the manual on the product page before purchasing.

What is the best dog crate for a car?

There are no specific requirements for a dog crate for in the car in Europe. So in principle you can use any type of dog crate in the boot. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend buying a special car dog crate, such as the VarioCage. Thanks to the sloping shape and adjustable length, your pet makes the most of the available space on the boot floor. In addition, the VarioCage is crash-tested and equipped with an escape hatch on the rear seat side, so that your dog can be rescued if the tailgate of the car is blocked by an accident.

All the above products can be found in our webshop. We wish you and your dog a pleasant, but above all a safe drive!

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Our product range runs from food supplements to a wide variety of accessories for your dog or cat. We offer products for daily use, like toys, collars, leashes and harnesses. Besides that PetWareShop also is your specialist on transport solutions, such as bike trailers, car dog guards and dog cages.

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